We have pivoted to an internet-based company that offers local pick up of orders. The warehouse is not open to the public.
Venom #34 Superlog Venom-Thing Variant Kib
Modern Frankenstein #1 Cvr A Vieceli & Pippa (1 Per Customer)
E Ratic #5
Damned Cursed Children #4 (of 5) Mature
Crossover #6 Cvr C Larsen
Brzrkr (Berzerker) #2 Cvr B Albuquerque
Way of X #1 Young Variant
Haha #4 (of 6) Cvr B Shea (Mr)
Haha #4 (of 6) Cvr A Horvath (Mr)
Daredevil #24
Rorschach #7 Cvr A Jorge Fornes (of 12) (Mr)
Minky Woodcock Girl Electrified Tesla #1 Cvr A Mcginni
Iron Man #8
Daredevil #29
Fantastic Four #30 Kib
Silk #1 (of 5)
Symbiote Spider-Man King In Black #5 (of 5)
Spawn #316 Cvr B Capullo & Mcfarlane
Department of Truth #7 Cvr B Boss
Captain America #28 Michael Cho Captain America Two-Tone Variant
Savage Avengers #19 Kib
Guardians of The Galaxy #12
X-Force #18 Liefeld Deadpool 30th Variant
Ultramega By James Harren #1 Cvr D Moore Variant (1 Per Customer)